
Roger L. Freeman

ROGER L. FREEMAN is founder and Principal of Roger Freeman Associates, independent consultants in telecommunications, specializing in system engineering in the United States, Canada and Hispanic America. In the course of over 45 years' experience in telecommunications operations, maintenance, and engineering, he has served as principal engineer for advanced system planning at the Raytheon Company, technical manager for ITT Marine Europe, and regional planning expert for the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), among other positions. In addition to the three previous editions of Telecommunication System Engineering, Mr. Freeman has written seven other books on the subject of telecommunications engineering: Telecommunications in Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition; Reference Manual for Telecommunications Engineering, Third Edition; Fiber-Optic Systems for Communication; Fundamentals of Telecommunication; Radio System Design for Telecommunications, Second Edition; Practical Data Communications; and Telecommunication Transmission Handbook, Fourth Edition, all published by Wiley. A senior life member of the IEEE, Roger Freeman has lectured at numerous professional conferences and published widely in international telecommunication journals.


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