
David Emanuelson

David N. Emanuelson, PhD, has three decades of experience working in the leisure services, serving for 12 years as department head of two parks and recreation departments in Illinois and Indiana and 20 years as a park district executive director in Illinois.

Emanuelson also taught courses in parks and recreation administration, public administration and political science for 14 years. Before retiring, Emanuelson held the post of assistant professor at George Williams College of Aurora University, teaching administration, financial management, commercial recreation, facility management, and the economics of parks and recreation. Emanuelson currently works as a consultant in the leisure service industry.

In 2003, he received the Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Parks and Recreation Management and has received nine consecutive Certificates of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Accounting. He is a member of the National Recreation and Park Association, Illinois Park and Recreation Association, Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association, Midwest Political Science Association, and the honorary fraternities Rho Phi Lambda, Pi Alpha Alpha, and Beta Gamma Sigma.

Emanuelson worked closely with his wife, Sharon, on the creation of this book. They reside in DeKalb, Illinois, and enjoy traveling, boating, water sports, and golf.


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